Tuesday 10 February 2015

Making Smart Goals

This afternoon Ana Byrne lead us in a staff meeting about setting up At Risk register for at risk students. We had to look and students literacy and numeracy data. Compare students data with the national standards and using data create smart measurable goal. These are to be reviewed at the end of the term. Below is an example of the smart goal.


James Street School            At Risk IEP   2014

Learning Area: Reading
Data: What is the data telling me? What is the priority for this student to learn?
Short Term Goals – Specific and measureable
To be achieved within 1 term
Strategies: How am I going to teach this? What differentiation will be needed?
Review: Specific to goals and effectiveness of differentiation
He is reading at level 13.
He is needing to learn blend sounds, and first 100 sight words.
To learn all of the first 100 sight words.
Use flash cards of unknown first 100 sight words.
Daily practise with (Students name).
Yes he has learnt the first 97 sight words and some initial blends.
He now needs to learn the next lot of sight words. 200 sight words.
To learn all of the 200 sight words.
Use the same strategy as the above. We will also trial S.T.E.P.S computer based reading programme to improve word knowledge, blends, reading skills and comprehension.
Made great progress with STEPS and is getting a lot of enjoyment from his successes.  Now knows the first 200 sight words.
He now needs to learn the next 100 lot of sight words,
To learn all of the first 300 sight words.
Continue using the STEPS programme.
Test the 300 sight word list. Write out flash cards to the unknown words to practise daily at home and school. Test weekly.
Make excellent progress. Knows 300 sight words. Strategy work well.
He is now working at 7-7.5 reading age. STEPS programme has helped and teaming up with home to continue to push his reading practise.
Develop sentence comprehension and word knowledge.
Clozed reading and word comprehension tasks during guided reading.
Use pictures to illustrate meaning of unknown words.
I have not spent as much one on one time with him this term. He is also going to rainbow reading and making progress. Comfortably working at level 21/22. During guided reading I have been sowing in new vocab.  He has been able to discuss ideas in detail and is making good links to personal experiences. I stayed away from clozed activities as writing tends to be a block for   (Students name).

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