Thursday 26 February 2015


I've spent Thursday (first teacher release day for 2015) working on my IEP's for my at risk students. I used last years end of year data to highlight my at risk students. I ended up having around half my class on my at risk register, covering literacy and numeracy.

Sharing end of year data between teachers via e-Tap can save a lot of time. However, I found that a lot of the data was out dated or inaccurate, furthermore making it very difficult to highlight the students next learning steps. I was able to go back through their red profiles and make my own OTJs on the individual students ability.

Great resources that have helped have been the literacy learning progressions, the english language literacy progression, NZ math standards and the NZ curriculum framework document. TKI and nzmaths have been excellent web sites to help me develop teaching strategies and ideas to help me develop my students next teaching steps.

Now that I have created my IEP's I will share with my students their new short term, measurable goals and how the students and I will work together to help them meet these goals.

The last challenge is fitting this learning into my teaching programme. I am targeting some of these issues through my maths and literacy teaching inquiries.
I look forward to reflecting on the students progress at the end of the term where students data will show progress.

These IEP's are working documents. I find my self reflecting on these questions...
1. Will these activities engage my students?
2. Are my students needing more scaffolding especially in writing?
3. Am I targeting students interests and cultures?
4. Am I teaching to the very next learning steps and do I know what they are, and if not where can I find the information I need to teach their next steps?

I have found that the more I think about my student's learning needs the more questions I have about my own teaching effectiveness and knowledge of learning.
In conclusion, if I ever stop my own learning I guess then that will be the day to put down the white board markers, close the classroom door and look for a new challenge else where.

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